Jobs For Doctors
Information for doctors interested in working in the after hours
This service was established in 1981. Throughout the years we have seen many periods of workforce shortage. Despite doing all we can to accommodate local GP’s and Australian trained doctors, we have found through these periods that we have increasingly relied on pre-vocational, overseas trained doctors to do the bulk of difficult shifts, as these shifts are not attractive to local general practitioners.
Some doctors will undertake this work on a full-time basis. However, most doctors prefer to work in normal hours general practices and participate with us on a part-time basis.
Shifts vary from 3 to 12 hours in duration and we offer great flexibility to all of our practitioners.
As a self-employed practitioner, you will be charged a service fee for the use of practice services, infrastructure and staff.
For the future of our doctors
All practitioners of Chevron After Hours are expected to participate in ongoing education and development through the RACGP CPD program. Doctors who have yet to receive Australian equivalent recognition, while being under supervision by an experienced Australian doctor are all encouraged to apply for their FRACGP examination at the earliest possible time.
Chevron After Hours has worked hard to establish a mentoring system that has seen 15 of our doctors in the past 5 years, sit and pass their FRACGP examination and receive Australia Equivalent recognition.
If you wish to discuss work opportunities or for further information please email Jenny - Practice Manager at
This email address is for administration purposes and is not our preferred means of communication for any clinical matters. There is a risk that important clinical information sent to this address may be missed or not picked up, particularly time critical information. In addition we urge all patients to carefully consider the issue of security before sending medical information via unencrypted email. We encourage patients to phone the service during our opening hours to discuss their needs.